The Holocaust was the most brutel thing that probably EVER happened. It started in
WW2, Hitler didnt like the Jews... to find out more about Hitler go on 'Why Did Hitler Start WW2'... anyway, so he approx gassed 6 MILLION JEWS!
Concentration camps were set up for the Jews. Many believed they were going on Holiday, to a summer camp... but they would never realise what was going to happen to them.
Loads were stuffed in carts and carriages and carted off to the camps with all their precious belongings... so anyway, when they got there the Germans seperated the Jews into two groups, the elders, women and childen went one way... to the 'shower' while the other, mostly men, went off the other way.
The germans said to the first group that they needed a wash, and were told to leave their belongings behind so that they wouldnt get wet while they were in a 'shower'...
So anyway, the Jews all went in, getting ready to have a lovely shower... Loads of holes was in the roof, so they thought that a shower would actually come in...
But the door shut behind them all, but they couldnmt get out because a handle wasn't in on the inside... then all of a sudden the gas fell down on them and the people in the middle got hit first and died almost suddenly, the people on the outside, tried to get out through the hatch, climbing over the dead...
Actually, the Jews were usually foound in pyramids, after they had tried to climb on top of eachother to get to the hatch at the top, which led to FREEDOM, no one ever made it though, which was SUCH a shame...
The second Group got moved off from the rest, mostly men, and ended up made to work for the Germans. they became their slaves and usually died of exhaustion, starvation or diseases. Treatment was bad for the Jews, they hardly ever saw their familys again. Most people were gased and were thrown into fires, which the Jew lsaves were made to chuck the dead Jews into the fires to be cremated. It must of been hard for them to think that their Daughter, Wife, Mum, Son... anything of relations, could be in the pile of ashes that came out after a load of bodies had been chucked in...